The PRS-M3DTEX is a version of the PRS-M3DT that includes an External FTS (EFTS) module for Enhanced Containment Compliance under MOC2511. The PRS-M3DTEX uses both the PSDK FTS and an additional external FTS module that is installed between the drone and the drone battery. The PRS-M3DTEX EFTS is triggered via a geofence function. This geofence will trigger when armed and when either a user-defined ceiling is breached, or a user-defined boundary is breached. The PRS-M3DTEX has an independent GNSS receiver that measures the position of the drone. The geofence is transferred to the PRS-M3DTEX through the drone when the user sends the geofence to the drone through a cloud service such as Flytbase or Flight Hub 2 or through the DJI M3D Transmitter.
Install the PRS-M3DTEX, using the steps from the Installation section
Insert the sleeve over the DJI M3D/T battery
Insert the extended clips over the battery clips on the DJI M3D/T battery
Insert the battery with EFTS into the drone
Connect the PRS-M3DTEX and EFTS using the supplied USB cable
Maximum number of activations: 266.
The GNSS receiver does not have range limitations; however, the user should define the ceiling based on the maximum Average Mean Sea Level altitude expected over the takeoff altitude
Minimum extent of Ground Risk Buffer: 23 meters (34 meter altitude, wind speed of 1 m/s) 10 + 4 + 1.1*W*34/4.34.
Do not leave metal terminals exposed to open air when not in use .
After exceeding the maximum number of FTS activations contact AVSS to determine if a servicing of the FTS is required.
Always update the PRS-M3DTEX to the latest firmware version
The PRS-M3DTEX allows for a pre-flight FTS check on the ground for the DJI M3D/T. This pre-flight check is only enabled on the ground with the motors initially disarmed. This Pre Checking Mode is only enabled for 1 minute, after which the PRS-M3DTEX will auto shutdown and must be restarted
To initiate the Pre-Flight FTS Check turn on the drone with the PRS-M3DTEX installed and either use the DJI Transmitter or the Cloud Software to locate the "PSDK" menu.
In the "PSDK" menu, select "Pre-Checking Mode" and then press the trigger button for the parachute.
This will activate the FTS, but will NOT deploy the parachute
The table below provides a method to calculate the ground risk buffer zone for your operation according to the Specific Operation Risk Assessment. The rows that are not highlighted are values that are specific to the operation. The DJI M3DT max speed in N-Mode is 15 m/s, the wind speed is based on the time and place of the operation. The max altitude is based on the operation. The descent rate should be based off the maximum takeoff weight which is 4.34 m/s. There is a 10 meter buffer added to the PRS-M3DTEX geofence, which provides a buffer to avoid unintended triggers of the geofence when flying near the geofence. An additional 4 meter buffer is added for GNSS uncertainty. The equation is as follows: